Here we are going to provide class 11 chemistry chapter 5 energetics of chemical bonding solved MCQs for Sindh board students that will be beneficial in exam paper preparation.
11 Class Chemistry Chapter 5 MCQs with Answer
This Sindh board 1st-year chemistry chapter 5 MCQs are also helpful for Karachi, Hyderabad, Larkana, and Sukkur students in their Examinations.

1. The net change in a chemical reaction is same whether it takes place directly or indirectly is
a) Henry’s Law
b) Charles’s Law
c) Hess’s Law
d) Graham’s Law
Answer: c) Hess’s Law
2. One of the best applications of Hess’s Law is to calculate the lattice energy of ionic compound is
a) Measurement of enthalpy change in a calorimeter
b) Studying of first law of thermodynamics
c) Born-Haber cycle
d) Measurement of a heat of formation of a compound
Answer: c) Born-Haber cycle
3. The optimum temperature for the synthesis of NH3 Haber’s process is
a) 200oC
b) 300oC
c) 400oC
d) 500oC
Answer: c) 400oC
4. One of the statements about the Born-Haber cycle is correct. Which is that statement
a) Born-Haber cycle is different from Hess’s Law
b) The energy change in a cyclic process is not zero
c) The lattice energy of the crystalline substances can be calculated easily
d) None of the above
Answer: c) The lattice energy of the crystalline substances can be calculated easily
5. Diamond and graphite are two allotropic forms of carbon. Their heats of combustion are -395 KJ. mol-1 and -393.5 Kj.mol-1, respectively. Heat change in the conversion of graphite to diamond is
a) -1.9 Kj.mol-1
b) #ERROR!
c) #ERROR!
d) -788.9 Kj.mol-1
Answer: b) #ERROR!
The topic of this post is class 11 Chemistry chapter 5 energetics of chemical bonding mcqs with answers additionally we add this post to the 11th class mcqs category.