Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 8 Introduction to Chemical Kinetics MCQs – Taleem Corner

Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 8 Introduction to Chemical Kinetics MCQs

If you are a student of class 11 and studying on the Sindh board, then this post will help you to prepare the class 11 chemistry chapter 8 introduction to chemical kinetics MCQs with solved answers for Sindh board students that will be beneficial in exam paper preparation.

11 Class Chemistry Chapter 8 MCQs with Answer

These 1st-year chemistry chapter 8 MCQs are also helpful for Karachi, Hyderabad, Larkana, and Sukkur students in their Sindh Board Examination.

Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 8 MCQs Sindh Board
Class 11 Chemistry Ch 8 MCQs

1. Rate of reaction is defined as the:

a) rate of disappearance of catalyst from the reaction vessel

b) rate of change of concentration of either reactant or product per unit time

c) rate of change of concentration of reactants only

d) rate of change of concentration of products only

2. Unit of rate constant is the same as that of the rate of reaction in:

a) Zero order reaction

b) 1st order reaction

c) 2nd order reaction

d) 3rd order reaction

3. The rate of reaction determined at any time is called:

a) Average rate

b) Instantaneous rate

c) Spontaneous rate

d) Overall rate

4. When a reaction proceeds in a sequence of steps, the over all rate is determined by:

a) slowest step

b) fastest step

c) order of different steps

d) molecularity of all steps

5. The order of decomposition of nitrogen peroxide

2N205 ‘n 2N204 + 2 is

a) First order

b) Second order

c) Third order

d) Zero order


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