Here you can prepare class 12 chemistry chapter 11 s block element solved mcqs that helps Sindh board students in their exam.
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12 Class Chemistry Chapter 11 MCQs with Answers
This 2nd-year chemistry chapter 11 Sindh board mcqs are also helpful for Karachi, Hyderabad, Larkana, and Sukkur board students in their examination preparation.

1. Which element has lowest melting point:
a) Beryllium
b) Magnesium
c) Calcium
d) Barium
Answer: b) Magnesium
2. Which of the following elements has lowest ionization energy
a) Beryllium
b) Boron
c) Carbon
d) Oxygen
Answer: b) Boron
3. Which order is the correct one for the size of atoms
a) Mg>Sr
b) Ba>Mg
c) Lu>Ce
d) Cl>1
Answer: b) Ba>Mg
4. Which one is not a periodic property:
a) Ionization energy
b) Density
c) Atomic Radii
d) Hydration energy
Answer: b) Density
5. The element of 2nd period, which has ionization energy from the following is:
a) Be
b) C
c) N
d) O
Answer: c) N
6. Which of the following is known as ‘baking soda’
a) Na2CO3 x 10H2O
b) NaHCO3
c) K2CO3
d) NaOH
Answer: b) NaHCO3
7. Lithium exhibits diagonal relationship with:
a) Magnesium
b) Calcium
c) Aluminium
d) Strontium
Answer: a) Magnesium
8. As compared to K, Na has:
a) higher ionization potential
b) lower melting point
c) lower electronegatively
d) larger atomic radius
Answer: a) higher ionization potential
9. Which of the following is not the minerals of potassium
a) Chile saltpeter
b) Carnallite
c) Kainite
d) Potassium feldspar
Answer: a) Chile saltpeter
10. Which oxide is amphoteric
a) BaO
b) CaO
c) BeO
d) MgO
Answer: c) BeO
The topic of this post is class 12 chemistry chapter 11 mcqs with solved answers for board exam preparation additionally we add this post into the 12th class category.
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